That is probably an ok snapshot of life at the moment. It misses out the huge amounts of work I'm doing for uni, the charity work, Crimson, spiritual work, photo shoots, tutoring and the way my body consistently fails me; I've been to too many doctors recently. Doing all of this is also wearing me down quite a lot and leaving me with very little time for things like sleep. Or blogging.
It's all ok though. 2010 is proving to be busy, challenging and somewhat confusing in places. People keep failing in odd little ways, which frustrates me. I'm losing faith in a couple of people in a big way. It is very much a time of spring cleaning things, from relationships to my own ideals, to shoes and kinky toys. It is very much needed. But I could really use some more time to do it right now; I'm worried that because I'm so busy I'm just going to gloss over some things that could cause a lot of hurt later.
But equally, 2010 is awesome. Friends, love, spiritual life, some beautiful scenes, reconnecting with people and occasional bursts of utter indulgence keep me sane and mightily happy.
Plus, Caprica! Spas! Flowers! New dresses, bags, hats, boots, shoes, books, shiny things! Glee! Concerts! Royal Albert Hall! Dissertation concepts approved! Consistent 80%+ grades in my favourite module! Charity work! Photography stuff being amazing!
Some things suck, but whilst I have love in my life, I'm not really going to complain.
Better & more interesting blogposts coming soon :)